Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bug Day

I stayed up a little late the night before preparing, but I couldn't wait to start our first monthly fun day-Bug Day!!

Breakfast was a mini caterpillar pancake/grape and butterfly

How cute is that face!!

He loved every bite

Then we hopped like a grasshopper

Found all the bugs on our shirt

Followed the bug trail

Played hide a seek with them for probably 20 times.

Ran with our bug back pack

I cut a 2 liter and filled it with bugs and borrowed one of daddies socks for a litte game.  At first he was a little hesitant to stick in arm down the get the bugs out.

But it didn't take long for him to love it!

Then we matched them with their "friend"

We listened to bug sounds

Made a fingerprint ladybug

Lunch was a centipede, ants on a log, and a spider

Matching game

Caterpillar painting

Dinner - butterfly sandwich

Well I hope that K loved the day as much as I did planning and participating. 
I can't wait for the next one.

1 comment:

Woodman said...

What a FUN thing to do!!!! I'm definitely going to copy this idea for H when he gets a little older!!! Cant wait to see what you come up with for the next "Fun Days"!!! You are an awesome Mom!!!!